A woman with bad PMT which lasted half her cycle and resuted in her shouting at her children, feeling tearful, angry and general low mood came to me.

Homeopathic medicine was given to balance hormones and to help with the challenge of bringing up three young children. After two consultations she reported a significant improvement in mood, a more regular cycle and feeling more able to cope with her children. 


I saw a lady presenting with dreadful IBS which was both painful and debilitating.

She had a strong wheat intolerance and also suffered with bad anxiety and both factors were contributing to her IBS. She removed wheat products from her diet and she was given homeopathic medicine to deal with the anxiety. The IBS totally cleared.

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I am able to take online bookings for existing clients through Clinic Appointments. Please don't book through this portal unless you have already had an initial consultation with me.

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